Bison Products Contribute to LEED | SITES Points
Bison Innovative Products is dedicated to providing products that are manufactured in an environmentally sensitive and efficient manner. The Bison pedestals can help to achieve prerequisites and accumulate points in the following categories of LEED.

Bison Deck Pedestals
Containing 20% Post-Industrial Recycled Material could contribute to multiple points within Materials and Resources Credits 4 as a single product contributing to multiple LEED | SITES points.

Bison Cubes
Bison Aluminum and Steel Cubes could contribute to LEED points in Material Content with Recycled Content; Indoor Environmental Quality by using low VOC Sealants and Finishes.

Bison Wood Tiles
Bison FSC®-Certified (FSC-C13454) Ipê and Massarunduba wood tiles could contribute to LEED points under Materials and Resources Credit 7 (MR Credit 6 for CS).